School Rules & Norms


Discipline is the prime concern of the school. It is said If DISCIPLINE is lost EVERYTHING is lost.

To build a brilliant educational career, discipline is important. The school expects unreserved co-operation from parents in maintaining students, discipline.

Given below are some hints on tackling discipline, by co-ordinated efforts of school and the parents. The school believes in maintaining discipline, which is neither regimental nor oppressive.

The school prides itself on its high standard for discipline and code of conduct. Students/parents/guardians will be bound by rules and regulations in all respects which may be modified from time to time and all matters of dispute are subjected to the final decision of Principal/Managing Director. The school expects from its students to adhere to the code for:

  1. Personal hygiene, attendance and punctuality.
  2. Behavior, good manners, language and conduct.
  3. Respect for teachers, fellow students school property and its image.
  4. School rules and regulations in all areas.

Violation of any rule of institution could result in fine or punishment. In extreme cases this could also result in suspension or rustication of the student. The school’s decision will be final and binding in all such cases

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parent reflections

We were surprised when Suhani explained to us the respiratory and digestive systems.It was taught to her wonderfully at school using visual aids.
Thanks a lot!

Parent of Suhani Bijlani, Foundation A

Ayush knows his poems and the national anthem really well. He asks for permission before doing someting. He also enjoys yoga at school and practices those asanas at home as well.

Parent of Ayush Kapoor

When we were dealing with a unit on communication, Sanika inquired how plants and animals communicate. We were surprised as it was not included in the topic. This showed that she reflected being an enquirer.

Parent of Sanika, Grade 2

My daughter taught her cousins and friends about articles, vowels and rhymes during her summer vacation. Even taught me the ascending and descending order using our family tree as an example. She also teaches our maid English conversation skills like 'How are you?', 'I am fine', etc.

Mother of Samruddhi Gupta

My daughter has shown positive development thanks to the training and learning she is receiving at school. She is willing to help people, she even helps me and her father in our everyday activites. It is amazing to see how she is practically applying her learnings from school in her daily life. We are quite happy with her conduct and would like to sincerely thank her teachers and the entire management.

Mother of Urja Kothari

The one page handwriting practice from the Newspaper is very helpful. Not only does it help my son improve his handwriting, but it also makes him aware of what is happening in the world. He chooses his favorite news each day and practices.

Mother of Ayush, PYP 4A

I would like to thank you and appreciate your hardwork, support and understanding towards my daughter. The inquiry fair held at the school was excellent. I found Geona to be very confident and smart when she was performing at the fair. Thank you for giving her this opportunity and showing faith in her.

Mother of Geona, 1-B

My son spoke on topics taught at school without any hesitation. This shows that he has understood these topics well. I am very happy with my son's progress. Thank you.

Mother of Dhruv Shah